Our $150M facilities for high-energy ion beam research represent decades of strategic investment in the national interest by the Australian National University, the University of Melbourne, our industry partners and the Australian Government.
With R&D capabilities unparalleled in Australia and matched by few globally, there is enormous demand for our services across multiple sectors. We operate 24/7 to support Australian and global researchers and businesses
Since 2009, we have been funded under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). NCRIS supports 28 infrastructure providers and pilot programs, which offer the R&D community specialist services through open access to research infrastructure and expertise.
Each organisation provides a different set of skills and tools. To find out if one of them can help you contact Research Infrastructure Connected (RIC). RIC helps you to find the tools you need and the experts who can shorten the time it takes to get to a working solution.
Provide world-class facilities for accelerator ion beam research and its applications by Australian and international researchers.
Support research activities in sectors of national priority, including quantum computing, space and astronomy, advanced materials, environment and climate, cancer therapies, minerals exploration, and nuclear technologies.
Provide resources for advanced research training for students and early-career researchers in science and technology.
Support and enhance Australia’s sovereign capabilities in nuclear physics, and in ion beam and radiation applications.
Build technical and research linkages with other leading national and international ion beam accelerator laboratories.
CEO, Heavy Ion Accelerators
Director of the Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility
Director of the Ion Implantation Lab
Director of the Experimental Condensed Matter Laboratory
HIA is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). It is operated by a consortium of institutions as an unincorporated joint venture, with the Australian National University as Lead Agent.