Nuclear science
Our collaborators use our accelerators and our custom-built detectors to explore the fundamental architecture of matter and use that knowledge to create and innovate.
Whether it’s tracking soil erosion, making new elements, understanding nuclear fusion or monitoring run-off from uranium mines, these explorations of the quantum world are made possible by our world-class facilities.
Researchers use our facilities to:
Understand elements
Understand how new super-heavy elements are made and explore their properties and applications. Some last microseconds, others, minutes to hours, but all help us to better understand chemical interactions and nuclear structure. We operate the only facility in Australia, and one of few in the world, capable of such globally significant research.
Study nuclear fission and fusion
Study the fundamental processes of nuclear fission and fusion, increasing our knowledge of nuclear energy as a source of power.
Quantum and nuclear physics
The accelerators are used to study the fundamental quantum mechanics of nuclei under extreme conditions.
We maintain Australia’s sovereign capabilities in nuclear physics and enable fundamental scientific discoveries with applications for defence, cancer therapies, space, quantum computing and many other high-growth sectors. We also provide resources to enable advanced research training for STEM students.