Enabling research

Advancing research in areas such as space, defence, cancer diagnosis and therapy, advanced materials and quantum technologies is underpinned by fundamental science—and accelerators are key to acquiring that knowledge.

We provide a national network of state-of-the-art accelerators with highly specialised yet adaptable capabilities. Our facilities are flexible and agile, able to respond quickly as national priorities shift, and support scientific and industrial research addressing a wide range of research challenges.

Research we help with

Cancer therapies

Develop new cancer therapies by studying their effects on the human body and best-practice dosage guidelines.

Space mission safety

Improve space mission reliability and safety with a dedicated beam line to test electronics, sensors and solar cells destined for space.

Mitigate environmental impact

Reduce agricultural soil loss and mitigate the environmental impacts of sediment run-off with ultra-sensitive characterisation, tracing and tracking techniques.

Quantum computers and sensors

Modify materials and fabricate the building blocks for quantum computers and sensors with carefully-controlled ion beams.

Detect critical minerals

Pinpoint new sources of critical minerals with minimally invasive exploration methods.


Our facilities are unique in Australia and rare in the world. Our network includes the highest energy ion accelerator in Australia and one of the highest voltage accelerators in the world, as well as Australia’s largest superconducting accelerator and world-class ion implanters.

Our experts are involved in teaching and training the next generation of nuclear scientists. Many of our people are international leaders in their fields, including Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science. Our hands-on, wide-ranging teaching approach equips students, researchers and government agency professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle tomorrow’s biggest scientific challenges.

We bring researchers together with our strong network of national and international partnerships. We can also provide Australian researchers with access to complementary accelerators around the world.

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